Barber Tips & Tricks

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Barber Tips & Tricks

Follow us for the latest barber techniques and tips

Top 7 Reasons Why Your Clients

Aren't Returning

Stay Ahead in the Barbering Game: Nurturing

Lifelong Clientele

You might have come across the saying “give a client a good cut at a reasonable price, and they'll be yours for life.” Unfortunately in reality this is not always the case. That’s where we come in! Check out some of the reasons why your clients may not be returning, whether they were long-term customers or a first-time appointment, below.

Top 7 Reasons Why Your Clients

Aren't Returning

Stay Ahead in the Barbering Game: Nurturing

Lifelong Clientele

You might have come across the saying “give a client a good cut at a reasonable price, and they'll be yours for life.” Unfortunately in reality this is not always the case. That’s where we come in! Check out some of the reasons why your clients may not be returning, whether they were long-term customers or a first-time appointment, below.

Career in Mobile Barbering: Key

Things You Need to Know about

While most barbers work in physical barbershops or hair salons, there are a growing number of barbers who work on-call. What does it mean to be a mobile barber? What are their primary responsibilities? Where to find them? In this blog, we will explain some key terms you should know about mobile barbering and how you can start a new career in it.

Career in Mobile Barbering: Key

Things You Need to Know about

While most barbers work in physical barbershops or hair salons, there are a growing number of barbers who work on-call. What does it mean to be a mobile barber? What are their primary responsibilities? Where to find them? In this blog, we will explain some key terms you should know about mobile barbering and how you can start a new career in it.

Top 4 Ways for Barbers to

Promote Themselves

Marketing is key. Knowing how to market yourself as a barber can be the difference between having 5 to 20 clients a day. If you are interested in boosting the number of your customers and furthering your advertising skills, read the list below with four ways to promote yourself as a barber.

Top 4 Ways for Barbers to

Promote Themselves

Marketing is key. Knowing how to market yourself as a barber can be the difference between having 5 to 20 clients a day. If you are interested in boosting the number of your customers and furthering your advertising skills, read the list below with four ways to promote yourself as a barber.

5 Tips for Social Media Content

Creating as a Barber

It is next to impossible to find someone who is not on social media today. More than just a tool for connection, social media is key helping barbers market themselves and promote their names and skills. If you want to up your barber game quickly, here are five tips on how to promote content online that you don't want to miss out on.

5 Tips for Social Media Content

Creating as a Barber

It is next to impossible to find someone who is not on social media today. More than just a tool for connection, social media is key helping barbers market themselves and promote their names and skills. If you want to up your barber game quickly, here are five tips on how to promote content online that you don't want to miss out on.

5 Best Haircuts for Men with

Early Hair Thinning

Losing your hair is never a good feeling, most men tend to feel self-conscious about it. Some men decide to completely shave off their heads or constantly wear a hat. One of the most common insecurities men face is hair thinning; for some men, it starts as early as in their 20s. The loss of confidence really starts to affect the way men do their hair and the types of hair cuts they get. Men start to worry about how they will be perceived by friends, family, and colleagues. Hair thinning should not be the cause of self distraughtness, and it should not limit men to have to continuously cover their heads. CADMEN Barbershop has compiled a list of the top 5 best haircuts for men experiencing early hair loss.


The King of All Strategies To Get Paid More as a Barber

September 03, 20244 min read

Being a successful barber is about much more than just perfecting your skills with a pair of scissors; it's also about managing your business effectively. One crucial aspect of managing a thriving barbering business is setting and adjusting your prices. While it might seem like a difficult task, there's a subtle and strategic way to raise your prices that can have a positive impact on your income without causing a shock to your clientele. Let’s explore the art of gradually increasing your prices – a trick that can make a significant difference in your bottom line. 

The Best Way to Raise Your Prices: Subtlety is Key (We tested it out ourselves) 

You've probably heard the old saying, "Slow and steady wins the race." Well, that saying holds true when it comes to raising your barbering prices. Instead of implementing a hefty price hike all at once, consider a gradual increase over time. By doing so, you minimize the immediate impact on your clients while allowing your income to steadily grow. A strategic approach involves increasing your prices every 3-6 months by a modest amount, such as $1-$3, so it is less noticeable.

Still Need Some Convincing? These are the Top Reasons Why This Strategy are King

Subtly raising your prices has several benefits that can positively impact your business in the long run:

1. Client Retention: A gradual increase is less likely to drive clients away compared to a sudden significant jump. Clients might not even notice a small change every few months, and if they do, it's less likely to prompt them to seek alternatives, especially if the increase is minimal.

2. Minimal Resistance: Incremental price adjustments are less likely to trigger objections or complaints from clients. Those who are loyal to your services are more likely to understand and accept these gradual changes, and those who don’t come often most likely won’t even notice it or bother to comment on it.

The Client Test: A Dollar or Two Won't Break the Deal

If a client complains about a $1-$3 raise, it's a red flag, because whether your client likes it or not, your expenses are going to increase overtime. As such they either need to grow with you, or visit another barber, which will be mutually beneficial because you can replace that spot with a better client for yourself. While it's essential to consider client feedback, a small increase like this should be well within reason for clients who appreciate your skills and the overall experience you offer. The goal is not to deter or alienate clients but to establish a sustainable business model that benefits both you and your clientele. 

Avoiding the Shock Factor: Gradual vs. Immediate Increases

It's tempting to consider raising your prices by a larger amount right away, to see that instant gratification and extra money in your pocket. However, this approach can lead to losing clients who are price-sensitive, or feel like the increase is unjustified. If they feel like they’re facing a substantial increase, clients might feel compelled to explore more affordable alternatives elsewhere, and that is the opposite of what you want. Gradual increases allow clients to adjust along with your prices and continue benefiting from your expertise in turn.

Why It Works: Our Experience With The Subtle Approach

From our experience at CADMEN, when we kept raising our prices every 3-6 months by just $1-$3 we lost NO CLIENTS, and our barbers were able to get paid more. We were also able to cover the cost of our rising expenses without a problem. However, when we observed other barber shops increase their prices by $5-$10 at once, they lost up to 20% of their clients right away. This has the opposite of the desired effect as more income is lost than gained. 

Mastering the art of subtly raising your barbering prices is about finding the balance between maintaining client satisfaction and securing a sustainable income. By implementing a slow and steady approach, you can ensure that your clients appreciate the value you bring to the table and continue to choose your services for the long haul. This will avoid scaring them off or leading them to gossip about how all of a sudden their favorite barber drastically upped their prices.

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5 Best Haircuts for Men with

Early Hair Thinning

Losing your hair is never a good feeling, most men tend to feel self-conscious about it. Some men decide to completely shave off their heads or constantly wear a hat. One of the most common insecurities men face is hair thinning; for some men, it starts as early as in their 20s. The loss of confidence really starts to affect the way men do their hair and the types of hair cuts they get. Men start to worry about how they will be perceived by friends, family, and colleagues. Hair thinning should not be the cause of self distraughtness, and it should not limit men to have to continuously cover their heads. CADMEN Barbershop has compiled a list of the top 5 best haircuts for men experiencing early hair loss.

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